
Dinámica No Lineal
Gabriel B. Mindlin
Editorial Universidad de Quilmes.

The Physics of Birdsong. Springer
R. Laje and G.B Mindlin

Nonlinear Dynamics:
A two way trip from physics to math
H.G Solari, M.A Natiello and G.B Mindlin

Causas y Azares
Gabriel B. Mindlin
Editorial Siglo XXI
More publications
Song-like activation of syringeal and respiratory muscles during sleep in canaries F Fainstein, F Goller, GB Mindlin – Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2024 – Springer s00359-024-01720-7 facu_sueños_canarios
Response of wild songbirds to songs synthesized with a low-dimensional model. Bistel, R., Amador, A., & Mindlin, G. B. (2024). Physical Review E, 109(5), 054410.wild
“Synthesizing avian dreams.” Döppler, Juan F., Melina Atencio, Ana Amador, and Gabriel B. Mindlin. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 34, no. 4 (2024). sueños
A model for an electronic spiking neuron built with a memristive voltage-gated element. Fernandez, L. E.,Carpio,A.,Wu,Boccaletti, S., Rozenberg, M., & Mindlin, G. B. (2024). Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 180, 114555.mindlin_neurona
A model of phase-coupled delay equations for the dynamics of word usage
Bistel R., Martinez A. and Mindlin G. B.,
The European Physical Journal Special Topics (2022): 1-10.
Alejandro Pardo Pintos, Diego E Shalom, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Gabriel Mindlin, Marcos Trevisan,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2022) vol 161, 112327
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31.12 (2021): 123132.
Replay of innate vocal patterns during night sleep in suboscines
Juan F. Döppler, Manon Peltier, Ana Amador,
Franz Goller and Gabriel B. Mindlin
Proc. R. Soc. B 288: 20210610 (2021)
Synthetic Birdsongs as a Tool to Induce,
and Iisten to, Replay Activity in Sleeping Birds
A. Amador and Gabriel B. Mindlin
Front. Neurosci. 15:647978 (2021)
Different frequency control mechanisms
and the exploitation of frequency space in passerines
Goller F., J. Love and Gabriel B. Mindlin
Ecology and evolution (2021)
Dynamics behind rough sounds in the song of the Pitangus sulphuratus
Juan F. Döppler, Ana Amador, Franz Goller and Gabriel B. Mindlin (2020)
The structure of reconstructed flows in latent spaces
Uribarri, G. and Mindlin, G.B. Chaos 30, 093109 (2020)
Dynamical model for the neural activity of singing Serinus canaria
Herbert, C. T., Boari, S., Mindlin, G. B. and Amador, A. Chaos 30(5), 053134 (2020).
Unusual Avian Vocal Mechanism Facilitates Encoding of Body Size
Uribarri, G., RodrÃguez-Cajarville, M.J., Tubaro, P.L, Goller F. and Mindlin, G.B. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(9) 098101 (2020).
A dynamical system as the source of augmentation in a deep learning problem
Tubaro, P. L., & Mindlin, G. B. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X, 100012 (2019).
Significant instances in motor gestures of different songbird species
Lassa Ortiz, J. N., Herbert, C. T., Mindlin, G. B., & Amador, A. Frontiers in Physics, 7, 142 (2019).
Fading of collective attention shapes the evolution of linguistic variants
Shalom DE., Sigman M., Mindlin, GB. and Trevisan, MA. Phys. Rev. E 100, 020102(R) (2019)
Discrete Anatomical Coordinates for Speech Production and Synthesis
Assaneo, FM., Ramirez Butavand, D., Trevisan, MA. and Mindlin, GB. Frontiers in Communication, 4, 13; (2019)
Observable for a Large System of Globally Coupled Excitable Units
Boari S., Uribarri, G., Amador, A. and Mindlin, G. B. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 24(2), 37; (2019)
Anticipated Synchronization and Zero-Lag Phases in Population Neural Models
Dima, Germán César, Mauro Copelli, and Gabriel Bernardo Mindlin. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28.08 (2018): 1830025.
Syringeal EMGs and synthetic stimuli reveal a switch-like activation of the songbird’s vocal motor program
Bush, A., Döppler, J. F., Goller, F., & Mindlin, G. B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201801251 (2018)
Gating related activity in a syringeal muscle allows the reconstruction of zebra finches songs
Döppler, J. F., Bush, A., Amador, A., Goller, F., & Mindlin, G. B. (2018). Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28(7), 075517.
Towards an integrated view of vocal development
Mindlin, G. B.. PLoS biology, 16(3), e2005544 (2018)
Modeling temperature manipulations in a circular model of birdsong production
Dima, G.C., Goldin, M.A., and Mindlin, G.B. Papers in Physics, Vol. 10, p. 100002 (2018)
A diagrammatic representation of phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams of two/dimensional dynamical systems
Roulet, J. & Mindlin, G.B. – International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27.13 (2017): 1730045.
Neural coding of sound envelope structure in songbirds
Boari, S. & Amador, A. J Comp Physiol A (2018) 204: 285.
From electromyographic activity to frequency modulation in zebra finch song
Juan F. Döppler, Alan Bush, Franz Goller and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2017, p. 1-9.
Adult zebra finches rehearse highly variable song patterns during sleep
Brent K. Young, Gabriel B. Mindlin, Ezequiel Arneodo and Franz Goller – PeerJ 5:e4052 (2017).
Nonlinear Dynamics in the study of birdsong
Gabriel B. Mindlin – Chaos 27, 092101 (2017).
Evolution of Vocal Diversity through Morphological Adaptation without Vocal Learning or Complex Neural Control
Sarah M. Garcia, Cecilia Kopuchian, Gabriel B. Mindlin, Matthew J. Fuxjager, Pablo L. Tubaro, Franz Goller – Current Biology, 27(17), 2677-2683. (2017).
Temperature manipulation of neuronal dynamics in a forebrain motor control nucleus
Goldin,M. & Mindlin, G.B. – PLOS Comp. Bio, 13(8), e1005699 (2017).
From perception to action in songbird production: Dynamics of a whole loop
Amador A., Boari S. & Mindlin, G.B. – Current Opinion in Systems Biology Volume 3, Pages 30-35 (2017).
Avian vocal production beyond low dimensional models
Mindlin, G.B. – Avian vocal production beyond low dimensional models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017(2), 024005.
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An integrated model for motor control of song in Serinus canaria
Alonso, R. G., Amador, A., & Mindlin, G. B. – Journal of Physiology-Paris 110(3), 127-139 (2016).
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Exploring the anatomical encoding of voice with a mathematical model of the vocal system
MF Assaneo, J Sitt, G Varoquaux, M Sigman, L Cohen and MA Trevisan – NeuroImage 141:31-39 (2016)
Average activity of excitatory and inhibitory neural populations
Roulet, Javier and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Chaos 26, 093104. doi: 10.1063/1.4962326 (2016)
Difference between the vocalizations of two sister species of pigeons explained in dynamical terms
Alonso, R. G., Kopuchian, C., Amador, A., de los Angeles Suarez, M., Tubaro, P. L., & Mindlin, G. B. – Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 1-10. DOI: 10.1007/s00359-016-1082-3 (2016)
Automatic reconstruction of physiological gestures used in a model of birdsong production
Boari S., Sanz Perl Y., Amador A., Margoliash D., Mindlin G.B. – J Neurophysiol. Vol. 114 no. 5, 2912-2922 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00385.2015 (2015)
Neglect in human communication: quantifying the cost of cell-phone interruptions in face to face dialogs
Lopez-Rosenfeld, M., Calero, C. I., Slezak, D. F., Garbulsky, G., Bergman, M., Trevisan, M., & Sigman, M. PloS one, 10(6), e0125772 (2015)
A circular model for song motor control in Serinus canaria
Alonso, R.G., Trevisan, M. A., Amador, A.,Goller, F. & Mindlin, G.B. – Front. Comput. Neurosci. 9:41 – doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00041 (2015)
Low dimensional dynamics in birdsong production
Ana Amador and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Eur. Phys. J. B – 87:300 DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2014-50566-5 (2014)
Average dynamics of a finite set of coupled phase oscillators
German Dima, Gabriel B. Mindlin – Chaos 24, 023112 (2014)
Motor control of sound frequency in birdsong involves the interaction between air sac pressure and labial tension
Rodrigo Alonso, Franz Goller, Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 89, 032706 (2014)
Evidence and control of bifurcations in a respiratory system
Matías A. Goldin, Gabriel B. Mindlin – Chaos 23, 043138 (2013)
Vocal caricatures reveal signatures of speaker identity
Sabrina López, Pablo Riera, María Florencia Assaneo, Manuel Eguía, Mariano Sigman, Marcos A. Trevisan – Scientific Reports | 3 : 3407 | DOI: 10.1038/srep03407 (2013)
Discrete Motor Coordinates for Vowel Production
María Florencia Assaneo, Marcos A. Trevisan, Gabriel B. Mindlin – PLOS ONE | | November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e80373 (2013)
The physics of birdsong production
Gabriel B. Mindlin – Contemporary Physics, Volume 54, Issue 2, 91-96 (2013)
Revisiting the two-mass model of the vocal folds
María Florencia Assaneo, Marcos A. Trevisan – Papers in Physics, vol. 5, art. 050004 (2013)
Temperature Induced Syllable Breaking Unveils Nonlinearly Interacting Timescales in Birdsong Motor Pathway
Matías A. Goldin, Leandro M. Alonso, Jorge A. Alliende, Franz Goller, Gabriel B. Mindlin – PLOS ONE | | June 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 6 | e67814 (2013)
Elemental Gestures Dynamics are Encoded by Song Premotor Cortical Neurons
Ana Amador, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Gabriel B. Mindlin, Daniel Margoliash – Nature (2013) doi:10.1038/nature11967
Prosthetic Avian Vocal Organ Controlled by a Freely Behaving Bird Based on a Low Dimensional Model of the Biomechanical Periphery
Ezequiel M. Arneodo, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Franz Goller, Gabriel B. Mindlin – PLoS Computational Biology | | June 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 6 | e1002546 (2012)
A composition algorithm based on crossmodal taste-music correspondences
Bruno Mesz , Mariano Sigman and Marcos A. Trevisan – Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | | April 2012 | Volume 6 | Article 71 | (2012)
Interaction between telencephalic signals and respiratory dynamics in songbirds
Jorge M. Mendez, Gabriel B. Mindlin, and Franz Goller – J Neurophysiol, jn.00646.2011; published ahead of print March 7 (2012)
Reconstruction of physiological instructions from Zebra finch song
Y. S. Perl, E. M. Arneodo, A. Amador, F. Goller and G. B. Mindlin. – Phys. Rev. E 84, 051909 (2011)
The Anatomy of Onomatopoeia
M. F. Assaneo, Juan Ignacio Nichols and M. A. Trevisan – PLoS ONE 6(12): e28317. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028317 (2011)
The Taste of Music
Bruno Mesz, Marcos A Trevisan, Mariano Sigman – Perception, 2011, volume 40, pages 209-219 (2011)
Average dynamics of a driven set of globally coupled excitable units
Leandro M. Alonso and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Chaos 21, 023102 (2011)
Acoustic signatures of sound source-tract coupling
Ezequiel M. Arneodo, Yonatan Sanz Perl, and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 83, 001900 (2011)
Computational model for vocal tract dynamics in a suboscine bird
M. F. Assaneo and M. A. Trevisan – Phys. Rev. E 82, 031906 (2010)
Smooth Operator: Avoidance of Subharmonic Bifurcations through Mechanical Mechanisms Simplifies Song Motor Control in Adult Zebra Finches
Coen P. H. Elemans, Rodrigo Laje, Gabriel B. Mindlin, and Franz Goller – The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(40):13246-13253 (2010)
Hormonal Acceleration of Song Development Illuminates Motor Control Mechanism in Canaries
Jorge A. Alliende, Jorge M. Méndez, Franz Goller and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Journal of Developmental Neurobiology (2010) DOI: 10.1002/dneu.20835
Dynamical origin of complex motor patterns
L. M. Alonso, J. A. Alliende and G. B. Mindlin – Eur. Phys. J. D (2010) DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-00225-2
Physiologically driven avian vocal synthesizer
J. D. Sitt, Ezequiel M. Arneodo, F. Goller, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 81, 031927 (2010)
Source-tract coupling in birdsong production
Ezequiel M. Arneodo and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 79, 061921 (2009)
Low-dimensional dynamical model for the diversity of pressure patterns used in canary song
Leandro M. Alonso, Jorge A. Alliende, F. Goller and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 79, 041929 (2009)
Dynamical origin of spectrally rich vocalizations in birdsong
J. D. Sitt, A. Amador, F. Goller, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 78, 011905 (2008)
Frequency Modulation During Song in a Suboscine Does Not Require Vocal Muscles
Ana Amador, Franz Goller and Gabriel B. Mindlin – J Neurophysiol, (2008)
Beyond harmonic sounds in a simple model for birdsong production
Ana Amador and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Chaos 18, 043123 (2008)
The constraints to learning in birdsong
M. A. Trevisan and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 77, 011912 (2008)
The dynamical origin of physiological instructions used in birdsong production
Ezequiel M. Arneodo, Leandro M. Alonso, Jorge A. Alliende and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Pramana Volume 70, Number 6, 1077-1085, DOI: 10.1007/s12043-008-0112-2 (2008)
Bilateral source acoustic interaction in a syrinx model of an oscine bird
Rodrigo Laje, Denisse Sciamarella, Juan Zanella, and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 77, 011912 (2008)
Lateralization as a symmetry breaking process in birdsong
M. A. Trevisan, B. Cooper, F. Goller, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 75, 031908 (2007)
Respiratory patterns in oscine birds during normal respiration and song production
M. A. Trevisan, J. M. Mendez, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 73, 061911 (2006)
Dynamical systems techniques reveal the sexual dimorphic nature of motor patterns in birdsong
J. M. Mendez, J. A. Alliende, A. Amador, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 74, 041917 (2006)
Nonlinear Model Predicts Diverse Respiratory Patterns of Birdsong
Marcos A. Trevisan, Gabriel B. Mindlin, and Franz Goller – Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 058103 (2006)
The generation of respiratory rhythms in birds
A. Granada, M. Gabitto, G. Garcia, J. Alliende, J. Mendez, M.A. Trevisan and G.B. Mindlin – Physica A: Volume 371, November 2006.
Dynamics of learning in coupled oscillators tutored with delayed reinforcements
M. A. Trevisan, S. Bouzat, I. Samengo, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 72, 011907 (2005)
Simple neural substrate predicts complex rhythmic structure in duetting birds
A Amador, MA Trevisan, GB Mindlin – Physical Review E, (2005)
Synthesizing bird song
D. Zysman, J. M. Méndez, B. Pando, J. Aliaga, F. Goller, and G. B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 72, 051926 (2005)
Modeling source-source and source-filter acoustic interaction in birdsong
Rodrigo Laje and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 72, 036218 (2005)
Spike timing and synaptic plasticity in the premotor pathway of birdsong
Henry D.I. Abarbanel, Leif Gibb, Gabriel B. Mindlin, M.I. Rabinovich and Sachin Talathi1 – Biological Cybernetics (2004)
Mapping Neural Architectures Onto Acoustic Features of Birdsong
Henry D. I. Abarbanel, Leif Gibb, Gabriel B. Mindlin, and Sachin Talathi – J Neurophysiol 92: 96-110, (2004)
Dynamical model of birdsong maintenance and control
Henry D. I. Abarbanel, Sachin S. Talathi, Gabriel Mindlin and Misha Rabinovich – Phys. Rev. E 70, 051911 (2004)
Highly Structured Duets in the Song of the South American Hornero
Highly Structured Duets in the Song of the South American Hornero – Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 258104 (2003)
Experimental support for a model of birdsong production
G. B. Mindlin1, T. J. Gardner, F. Goller, and R. Suthers – Phys. Rev. E 68, 041908 (2003)
Neuromuscular control of vocalizations in birdsong: A model
Rodrigo Laje, Timothy J. Gardner, and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. E 65, 051921 (2002)
Diversity within a Birdsong
Rodrigo Laje and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 288102 (2002)
Simple Motor Gestures for Birdsongs
Tim Gardner, G. Cecchi, M. Magnasco, Rodrigo Laje and Gabriel B. Mindlin – Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 208101 (2001)